"I was 10cm dilated, unmedicated, and pushing. My labor had been attended by a midwife and my son and I were tolerating labor beautifully. Then Dr. Rezvina came in for the first time all day and demanded that I be strapped to the monitors. She checked my cervix without my consent and asked how long it had taken me to push out my first baby. When she learned it was two hours, she told me I was having a c-section. She refused to discuss any other options, refused me an epidural and refused to let me get a second opinion. She said if I did not consent, then I did not care if my baby died and ‘legal people’ would make me consent. I was not given a medical reason for the surgery, but my son was healthy. In the OR, she told me I was too 'opinionated'. In her office months later, she said she was ‘willing to sacrifice the opinions’ of her patients.”
- Lindsay, Somers Point NJ